Friday, March 6, 2020

We Asked Presidential Candidates what 7+3 is....Their Answers will Shock You

We got together the last bastion of hope in our political processes and the devil himself as they bid for presidential prestige and asked them all what 7+3 is to see if they really know their stuff. Let's see what they have to say!

Joe Biden: "The middle class isn't a number -- it's a set of values. Owning your home. Sending your kids to college. Being able to save and get ahead. Across the country, too many families are being left behind.

Wow Joe! We never thought 7+3 might equal equability before!

Bernie Sanders: "I'm running for President so that, when we are in the White House the movement we build together can achieve economic, racial, and environmental justice for all. Also the answer is 10, but I had to get that out there first." 

This is the kind of guy who not only knows what 7+3 is, he also knows how to express a message <3

Elizabeth Warren: "I am no longer in this race but want to express briefly that not only must we know the answer to 7+3 we must also be aware of the steps it takes to reach the answer to what is 7+3"
Thanks Liz! I wish you were my mother. 

Bernie Sanders from the past: 10. Why are you asking me this? On a side note: I hope things never get so bad I feel compelled to run for president.
Man! Just goes to show how policy is ever-evolving!

Donald Trump: 28. And anyone who says otherwise is a liar. How about those Oscars? Also one time I clogged a toilet. Lets talk about that for 25 minutes. 
Fuck You

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